My top books I read in 2020

Almanack of Naval Ravikant: What a stunning and thoughtful compilation of Naval Ravikant’s work and words. I predict that this is going to define a new industry – curating public content of thought leaders and converting them into books. Waking Up: Search...

A sneak peek into 2021 resolutions

Most people make resolutions at the end of December, and by 15th January, bam! They are back to square one. Why does that happen? Because we did not change who we are, without which it is impossible to change what we want. So here’s how to make resolutions for 2021:...

How to learn something new

As a kid, three of us from school decided to speak in English, so that we could get better at it.  Initially it was embarrassing, because what we spoke wasn’t refined. We were speaking in English when everyone around us spoke in Hindi. My two other friends gave up on...

Knowing the entire story

Imagine that a ship sank with only 5 surviving out of the 100 that were onboard.  When asked what happened and how the ship sank and how the 5 of them managed to survive, we will have just these 5 stories to hear. The stories of the 95 dead will never reach us.  That...

What is the real fear all about?

You’re scared of losing your job. Or getting out of that relationship. You fear having the most important conversation with your parents. However, what is it that you are really scared of? What drives that fear within you? What leads to that paralysis? No one can...

What we knew and what we were taught

As kids, we knew everything. We already knew how to stop worrying.No matter what happened, we never worried.Laughing and going with the flow just came naturally. If you could do it then, you can definitely do it now – by chipping off all that you aren’t...