It’s not hard!

It’s not hard to get on to a stage and speak. It’s not hard to open your phone, hit record, and post a reel. It’s not hard to write a cold email to someone in power. We feel they are hard things, because that is how we have convinced ourselves. That is how we have...

Is it obvious to do so?

A friend of yours got married at “the right time”. Another one got settled abroad. The neighbour spends weekends relaxing and weekdays grinding.  The world is out there chasing the obvious things. Settling down quickly.  However, if we chase what everyone else is...

Timeless or trending?

Trends are cool. Around pop culture, news, sports, fashion, work habits.  They make us feel like we belong – we laugh with them, engage with them, show off with them, follow them.  However, the very nature of trends is that they will vanish. Very soon. What...

Do you also feel you don’t have time?

“I don’t have the time.” This self-sabotaging statement drifts people from acting on their dream projects. The universal truth is everyone has the same twenty-four hours. What we do during that window makes or does not make a difference. Searching for more time is...

Defining success

Chasing worldly success is illusive. What looks like success to us doesn’t match with others. Setting our own standards of success, irrespective of the noises is real success. Staying true to those standards is getting truly successful. Everyone has their own metric...

Least spoken hack for opportunities

An unexpected hack to create opportunities: Read all your emails. It will tell you what businesses are upto. What is being sold, what is being promoted, what is being spoken about, what is creating the news.  It will tell you what your friends are upto. What are their...