Dec 31, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
We become what we do everyday. True for perfection.True for complaining. True for showing up relentlessly.True for slacking around. True for writing a page daily.True for scrolling mindlessly. True for procrastinating.True for showing up to do the hard things....Dec 22, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
Same content every week. Same showing up every day. Same process repeated consistently. However, I do not know of any top achiever who got where they are by finding something interestingly new every day. Success is repetition with 1% addition of a little bit better...Dec 20, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
I don’t know of anyone who wasn’t hurt emotionally in their childhood. In a way, it still constricts a lot of us. However, sometimes being an adult means being a parent to your childhood self, and working towards healing it.It also means forgiving your...Dec 19, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
In order to gain more respect, 3 things always work: Give respect. Intangible things always increase on giving.Be less available. Ninja technique :)Don’t run after respect from others. Develop it for your own self. Others will follow. The best measure of a...Dec 18, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
Schedule your contentPlan your content ideasWork in sprints, on a single day – instead of working daily.Delegate work you don’t like, when you can afford itKnow that patience and consistency pay off longer and faster results than instant virality.Dec 17, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
You attract your friends by who you are. However, as you evolve into a smarter version of you, you start losing friends. Because they don’t resonate with you anymore.Because they are a different human now.Because you are a different human now. No one is at the...