Words. Wisdom. Winners.
5 steps to change your life
Change your life in 5 easy steps:
- For your health: Say no to sugar and cold drinks
- For your sleep: No phone 60 minutes prior to going to bed
- For your mind: Meditate for at least 15 minutes (ideally 30 minutes) daily
- For your relationships: Surround yourself with people who make you happy
- For your wealth: Stop buying things in order to impress others
We all know the answers we are looking for. What will actually make us look like the answer, is action!
Screwed up sleep schedule?
I am often an advocate of having a fixed bedtime routine. That is the thing that drives all your lifestyle.
However, if there was once a day when you worked hard and stayed up late and delivered on something that was an important project, it made you come alive. It’s okay :)
Cheers to all the late projects that made you come alive!
Anomalies lead to unusual realities.
How to ask other people to change?
You can lead through your example.
However, everyone has a time by which they will be ready for that awareness.
You can make them aware of that awareness by showing an example of your life. This is as good as putting food in someone’s plate. The effort of eating it still has to be done by you.
Sometimes, making others aware means taking the time that their awareness will take some time.
The worst interview of my life
I remember I had gone to IIT Kanpur for my interview in Masters. And in front of me was Professor HC Verma, who is literally the God of Physics!
I entered the room, and they offered me a chalk, to get to the board and solve a problem.
Some problems in life you are confused about, so you ask questions.
For others, you are simply clueless!
This one was in the latter category.
So I stare at the board for a couple minutes, say sorry, and walk out!
That’s it! The only one way left to get to IITs was closed now.
It turns out, for things that matter to you, it always helps to prepare the best of you.
I get 200+ emails a day.
I read all of them. Yes, all of them :)
However, in the 30-40% I reply to, 90% of them are no.
Here’s what I say:
“I am completely blocked. Sorry, won’t be able to do this.”
“This is not priority for me right now. Sorry.”
“This will be a no for me. Not something I can add value to.”
Because if I say yes to them, I am saying no to my time with my family, my usual routine, my fixed workout schedule, my sleep schedule, and to all the things that I could have thought of, which my time commitment requires here.
Saying yes isn’t being generous. Saying yes is saying no to everything that is important to you. The last thing you want to sign up for.
How NOT to reach out on email
Hi! (Please address by name)
I need any opportunity with you. (Be specific)
Are you hiring for? (Why not just pitch?)
I want to work with you for free, anything. (Add value to them, before you expect it out of them.)
Can I apply next time? (Why not, who’s stopping you?)
The questions we ask create the careers (and life) we will live.
Share your experiences
People do not want you to be at 1 million before they learn from you.
Curious people learn from everything and everyone.
When you find your tribe, you will be glad you did!
And it breaks my heart to see so many smart people do not share their experiences with the world, because they think it’s too obvious!
For your 20s
20s is a decade of confusion.
However, in reality, it is the best decade of your life, ever!
Here are my 3 suggestions to people in their 20s:
1. Most people in their 20s feel they are too old.
But you are not! Do not feel you are running out of time. You are very, very, very young.
You still have time.
2. The only person you should be competing with, is who you were yesterday.
No. One. Else.
3. Do not put the pressure of making long-term decisions quickly.
The deadline to achieve things by a certain age has been set by society.
And is a trap.
Avoid the trap.
Define your own pace.
The decade that you spend in confusion, is the decade you must start spending in creation. Of yourself.
My favourite ritual at nearbuy
One of my favourite rituals at nearbuy used to be to send handwritten letters to the parents of top 5% of the crowd.
The parents didn’t expect it!
So didn’t the kids!!
But it was such a joyful moment to have the love and pride of parents pouring in!
The parents writing back, sending the messages through their kids.
Both parents and kids had an unexpected surprise!
It turns out, no one will ever be prouder of you, than your parents.
The truth about writing
You don’t need to be a writer by profession in order to write.
But you do need to write on paper in order to ace in any of your professions.
Because slow thoughts, create a thoughtful life.
Impulsive thoughts, create a life without impact.
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