Words. Wisdom. Winners.
Does the source of feedback make it irrelevant?
You, a male, are shouting at your wife/girlfriend in the middle of the market. Almost getting physically abusive.
An observer, draws the courage to come up to you and says, “you do know you should be respectful towards women?”
At that moment, it strikes you that this person is right.
You are being a jerk. When you know you shouldn’t.
It isnt the right thing to do
You take this person’s advice – apologize to your wife/girlfriend for your behavior and promise to sort it out through meaningful mature dialogue
And you move on
Let me add a twist
What if, somehow, moments before this person approached you, to show you the mirror, you got to know that he is a convicted rapist, who has served his sentence.
Most likely, your reaction then, to his statement would be
“Well, that a bit rich coming from you, jackass!”
Now take this rather unlikely situation and see how this happens EVERYDAY to all of us
When we dismiss someone’s feedback, feedback that we know is true, just because we also know that the giver is guilty of committing the same crime?
As if the crime didn’t happen
“Don’t commit fraud”
“Well, what about when you committed it?
“Spend more time with your loved ones”
“Why dont you start by doing it first?”
“Why dont you quit your job if you are so miserable?”
“How come you are still at your job?”
“I dont think you should do this”
“How come you didn’t feel the same when you did this?”
The source of true feedback, doesn’t make the feedback irrelevant
Stop shooting the messenger!
Most of us think of success as relative.
Am I more successful than him?
Does she have more fame than me?
What do I need to do to become wealthier than him?
Success isn’t relative
Achievement is
And we confuse success with achievement
Success is absolute – what you feel within. It has only one measurement – the one defined by you.
My Top 10 List for 2017: Books, Videos, Articles, Blogposts
Last year, I started the practice of reflecting on the year from a content perspective and sharing my Top 10 Books, Videos, Articles and Blogposts from the year (Click here for the 2016 list)
The exercise helped me a lot – because it mandated going back to all the key content pieces and find the top ones – in the process helping you refresh your memory (and more importantly emotions) when you encountered them
Presenting the 2017 List for my Top 10 Books, Videos and Articles and Blogposts
All of this content was consumed in 2017. They could be (and most likely are) from an earlier year
Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy
One of the best books for me, of 2017. Matched with my introduction to meditation, I am certain this book will be a game changer for me, when I look back.
Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
Fucking brilliant! Loved it so so much. Mark Manson is a brilliant writer and I am so glad he wrote this book.
Existentialism: The disciplined pursuit of less
If you are fed up with the overindulgence of everything in life, this book is a must read. Loved several aspects about it – things that I dont do well in life. Now I know :)
Grit: The power of passion and perseverance
The book title may as well been Grit: The story of warikoo :)
Loved this one. Angela Duckworth is magic
The art of thinking clearly: Better thinking, Better decisions
(Almost) Book of the year for me – because I picked this up when I needed something like this the most. Brilliant book on what drives our minds and thus our decisions
Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us
Something I have spent a lot of time in the past years wondering – and the book comes close to helping me understand it better. A great read
Originals: How non-conformists change the world
One of those books that I had to read again – to make sure I had read it. And loved it yet again
THE book of the year. Cannot recommend this enough. Great book, great gift, great book to re-read, great life lessons. And oh – did I mention – THE book of the year
WHAT a book! WHAT a life! Arnold Schwarzenegger’s autobiography – didnt match Shoe Dog, but came close on several fronts
Genghis Khan and making of the modern world
Genghis Khan’s reputation precedes him. This book looks at him objectively – and is a great read especially if you care about world history
Bonus: Kashmir: History, Politics, Representation
My kashmir roots someone took shape this year. Read more about it than I ever have. Starting to care.
And this book helped a lot. Brilliant compilation of 11 essays
If 2016 was the year of video for me, 2017 stamped that! TV has completely gone (we dont have a connection anymore) and everything is Youtube, Netflix, and Amazon (in that order).
And – Oh – I dont watch any series. Only one-time watch content
Mandy Harvey: Deaf Singer on America’s Got Talent
Broke down when I saw this. There is so much awesomeness in this world :)
Us Rah Par
Coke Studio Season 10 (Pakistan Version) came out – and didnt disappoint. This one peaked it for me, with Muntazir as a close second
Gerua/Kabira Cover Medley
This was stunning. LOVED the composition, the singing and everything about it. Just made me very happy :)
Dont give up, Dont give in
2017 was a sad year, when it comes to respect, acceptance, tolerance. And this video made it for the best representation of my feelings. MUST WATCH
Interview interrupted by children
Everyone has seen this. And even if you have several times – this possibly cannot bring in a smile again. Go ahead :)
Ping Pong Domino Shot
I am a sucker for domino effect videos – and this one took the first prize. Awesome piece
Darci Lynn America’s Got Talent Final
She is such a rockstar – and performs effortlessly. If you havent seen Darci Lynn, you havent witnessed talent in person
Jim Carey: What it all means
Jim Carey has gone through massive transformation and this video has him share his learning from the journey he has undertaken. Pretty solid
Imposter Syndrome: Mike Cannon-Brookes
Mike is the cofounder of Atlassian and this TEDx talk felt as if it was my talk.
Why you should define your fears instead of your goals
Tim Ferris’s powerful TED talk (and his book – Tools of Titan and Tribe of Mentors) makes him my sought after digital guru. And he makes so much sense in this talk
Am not going to describe them – instead strongly encourage you to read all of them
Role of the CEO – you have one job
The strange way that being good hurts your willpower
Practicing the subtle art of detachment
Difference between open-minded and close-minded people
Difference between amateurs and professionals
Execution is a people problem, not a strategy problem
The 2 mental shifts that highly successful people make
Lets stop calling them “soft skills”
Extraordinary results are disproportionately created by fewer actions
Thanks ISRO for showing me the middle finger
Why “pick your brains” is the worst email pickup ever
The one word that will annoy people and make you smarter
The worst motivational quote ever
Whats the first slide of your pitch deck?
It doesnt matter what you know
The saddest thing about technology
Just missed equals more regret
Student A and Student B give an entrance exam
Student A scores 93%
Student B scores 96%
The cutoff of the exam is 98%
Who do you think will feel worse at not making it?
Most of us will say Student B
When “technically” both should feel worse equally
Both didn’t make it
But Student B will feel “if only I had worked just a little bit more – I might have cleared it. What if?”
Now what if the cutoff was not shared with either
Now who would feel more regret?
Perhaps this time – it will be equal
This fascinates me
One’s regret increases if they are made aware of how close they were to the finish line
The distance between where you are and where you wanted to be – is inversely correlated to your regret
Closer the distance by which you missed it – more is the regret
Regret seems to have levels to it. Should it be so?
Difference between fame and obscurity isn’t as wide as you believe
Rings a bell?
Let me give you a hint
9.58 seconds
Now it does, doesn’t it?
The world record for the 100m sprint
Held by?
Usain Bolt
Know Usain Bolt?
Of course.
Who doesn’t?
Let’s extend the quiz, shall we?
10.3 seconds?
Still no?
Anil Kumar Prakash
Anil holds the Indian record for the fastest 100m sprint
At 10.3 seconds
Take a second to let this settle in
The difference been Usain Bolt and Anil Kumar Prakash is 0.8 seconds
Less than a second
The difference between glory and a missed attempt at it, isn’t that huge after all.
And yet, it remains the toughest bridge to cross
As the world becomes more and more comfortable, it isn’t becoming any easier to succeed.
The standards of success remain brutal
What you say doesn’t matter?
It doesn’t matter what you say, people will understand it in their context, through their lens, colored by their biases, driven by their experiences
That could lead to the false conclusion – “why does it even matter what I say?”
the better conclusion
“Instead of saying what I want to say, can I attempt to be understood?”
The words don’t matter
The intent does
We learn the most when…
We learn the most when we least expect the lesson
Somehow the jerk, the surprise leaves an impression that’s hard to erase, ignore or forget.
The beauty though – is that by the same measure one can’t plan for such lesson
They just happen
Maybe that’s what they call experience
Institute or course?
One of my personal favorite questions during an interview is
What do you think matters more – the institute from where you story or the course that you study?
Over years, there is an emerging pattern. Individuals performing external facing roles (sales, marketing etc) invariably say the institute name matters more. While internal facing roles say the course
Might be easy to explain. A good institute name can take you far in life. Present a socially desirable image of yourself
A course might find it hard to achieve this
Here, is hands down the best response I received in all these years
The institute matters more to me. Because that determines the peer group I will be studying with. And while the best course will simply allow for the best content to pass through, the best institute will allow for the best learning to happen, irrespective of the course.
I felt this was a powerful way of looking at things.
The course you study doesn’t determine your education. Your surrounding does.
My Top 10 List for 2017: Books, Videos, Articles, Blogposts
Last year, I started the practice of reflecting on the year from a content perspective and sharing my Top 10 Books, Videos, Articles and Blogposts from the year (Click here for the 2016 list)
The exercise helped me a lot – because it mandated going back to all the key content pieces and find the top ones – in the process helping you refresh your memory (and more importantly emotions) when you encountered them
Presenting the 2017 List for my Top 10 Books, Videos and Articles and Blogposts
All of this content was consumed in 2017. They could be (and most likely are) from an earlier year
Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy
One of the best books for me, of 2017. Matched with my introduction to meditation, I am certain this book will be a game changer for me, when I look back.
Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
Fucking brilliant! Loved it so so much. Mark Manson is a brilliant writer and I am so glad he wrote this book.
Existentialism: The disciplined pursuit of less
If you are fed up with the overindulgence of everything in life, this book is a must read. Loved several aspects about it – things that I dont do well in life. Now I know :)
Grit: The power of passion and perseverance
The book title may as well been Grit: The story of warikoo :)
Loved this one. Angela Duckworth is magic
The art of thinking clearly: Better thinking, Better decisions
(Almost) Book of the year for me – because I picked this up when I needed something like this the most. Brilliant book on what drives our minds and thus our decisions
Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us
Something I have spent a lot of time in the past years wondering – and the book comes close to helping me understand it better. A great read
Originals: How non-conformists change the world
One of those books that I had to read again – to make sure I had read it. And loved it yet again
THE book of the year. Cannot recommend this enough. Great book, great gift, great book to re-read, great life lessons. And oh – did I mention – THE book of the year
WHAT a book! WHAT a life! Arnold Schwarzenegger’s autobiography – didnt match Shoe Dog, but came close on several fronts
Genghis Khan and making of the modern world
Genghis Khan’s reputation precedes him. This book looks at him objectively – and is a great read especially if you care about world history
Bonus: Kashmir: History, Politics, Representation
My kashmir roots someone took shape this year. Read more about it than I ever have. Starting to care.
And this book helped a lot. Brilliant compilation of 11 essays
If 2016 was the year of video for me, 2017 stamped that! TV has completely gone (we dont have a connection anymore) and everything is Youtube, Netflix, and Amazon (in that order).
And – Oh – I dont watch any series. Only one-time watch content
Mandy Harvey: Deaf Singer on America’s Got Talent
Broke down when I saw this. There is so much awesomeness in this world :)
Coke Studio Season 10 (Pakistan Version) came out – and didnt disappoint. This one peaked it for me, with Muntazir as a close second
This was stunning. LOVED the composition, the singing and everything about it. Just made me very happy :)
2017 was a sad year, when it comes to respect, acceptance, tolerance. And this video made it for the best representation of my feelings. MUST WATCH
Interview interrupted by children
Everyone has seen this. And even if you have several times – this possibly cannot bring in a smile again. Go ahead :)
I am a sucker for domino effect videos – and this one took the first prize. Awesome piece
Darci Lynn America’s Got Talent Final
She is such a rockstar – and performs effortlessly. If you havent seen Darci Lynn, you havent witnessed talent in person
Jim Carey has gone through massive transformation and this video has him share his learning from the journey he has undertaken. Pretty solid
Imposter Syndrome: Mike Cannon-Brookes
Mike is the cofounder of Atlassian and this TEDx talk felt as if it was my talk.
Why you should define your fears instead of your goals
Tim Ferris’s powerful TED talk (and his book – Tools of Titan and Tribe of Mentors) makes him my sought after digital guru. And he makes so much sense in this talk
Am not going to describe them – instead strongly encourage you to read all of them
Role of the CEO – you have one job
The strange way that being good hurts your willpower
Practicing the subtle art of detachment
Difference between open-minded and close-minded people
Difference between amateurs and professionals
Execution is a people problem, not a strategy problem
The 2 mental shifts that highly successful people make
Lets stop calling them “soft skills”
Extraordinary results are disproportionately created by fewer actions
Thanks ISRO for showing me the middle finger
Why “pick your brains” is the worst email pickup ever
The one word that will annoy people and make you smarter
The worst motivational quote ever
Whats the first slide of your pitch deck?
It doesnt matter what you know
The saddest thing about technology
Have a blessed 2018, everyone :)
No congratulations. Not as yet
Congratulating an entrepreneur on raising funds is like congratulating a chef on buying vegetables
It’s a milestone well passed
But not a journey that’s yet over
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