Words. Wisdom. Winners.
Forgiveness is the easiest thing
I know you went through hell.
I agree what happened was not right.
I also know it devastated you into pieces.
However, forgiveness is not to condone the other person or their actions.
It also does not mean you have to get back to talking with them.
Your boundaries are important. And respected.
Forgiveness is the surgery you do to yourself, so that the cancer of their actions does not spread throughout your life.
Forgiveness is the easiest thing, because staying with hard feelings only makes your life harder.
One of the most important realisations of leadership is that you have to take tough people decisions.
Most people think they may sound rude or it is very selfish to take those decisions.
However, a bigger selfish act is allowing an unsuitable team member to affect the work of other team members as well.
Because they won’t be driven as much.
And that, is a neglect to the work of the bigger team that IS performing really well.
The best leaders, are tough decision makers.
Second order thinking
When you want to reach out to a piece of dessert, or spend 2 hours on Netflix, ask yourself:
“What is the next consequence of my action? And the next? And the next?”
When you start asking yourself the second order consequences of your actions, your decisions become wiser.
Because, even when we say we reacted impulsively, we always have a window of 0.5 seconds – where we choose a good or a not-so-good path for ourselves.
The deeper we make our “instant” reactions, the smoother our life instantly becomes.
The guy who didn’t hate engineering
Almost everyone I meet on my IG lives, is not happy with the engineering course they are pursuing.
They’re either doing it due to parental pressure, or perhaps because they didn’t know better.
Except this one kid.
This kid wanted to pursue B. Sc. in Agriculture, however, since he didn’t get a college, he picked up engineering.
And guess what? He was happy doing it!
“Engineering is about applying things practically to life, and if you can learn that from engineering, then you’ve made the best of it!”
We don’t always decide what happens to us.
Whatever be it, we can still choose to learn with a positive frame of mind.
Help doesn’t always help
If you want to help others without helping yourself first, that isn’t help anyway.
We are trying to give something which you yourself don’t have.
True help, flows from the one capable of helping.
If you are not capable of helping, the best help is to help yourself first.
If someone consumes an unhealthy substance incessantly, is unable to live without it, and need it a lot, we call them addicted to it.
Because it is not right for the body.
Hence, the mind.
Which in turn affects our thinking and executing capability.
There is one such addiction most of us do not know is an addiction: catching up on news.
Could be through notifications, trends, WhatsApp group, or actively going through it on the internet.
It is a bandage that covers up the soil of your mind, thus making it powerless to think objectively.
News IS injurious to health.
The best way to deal with anything injurious, is to not allow it in the first place.
Managing a team
Have you ever had to manage a team or a group outing or a number of people, and fiddled at it?
It is not because we sucked at it.
It is rather because we need to be more self aware, of managing ourselves.
Spending time alone.
Asking questions to ourselvevs.
Reflecting on our failures.
Most people don’t take out time for the most important things. Which is the reason most people are not good at managing others.
Unconventional things
To create content consistently.
To write cold emails.
To consistently get better.
If it were easy, everyone would be doing it.
The hard thing about hard things is that they are not easy.
But the last time we checked, no one changed their world by sticking to the status quo.
Execution brings focus. Focus silences noise.
Execution brings clarity. Clarity removes doubts.
Execution brings confidence. Confidence removes self-doubts.
Execution brings in more flaws. That self awareness draws closer to finesse.
Execution is how others see us. And as much as we like it or not, this is sometimes how we see ourselves.
Execution is power. Everything else, is discharging your battery.
The agenda is no agenda
One of the most fun times of my week (btw, I’m having fun all the time) is meeting random people on Instagram.
Some ask questions on career, some perform, and some just drop in to say a hi.
All of those conversations fill me up with so much energy and joy. Also, more than anything else, I have immense gratitude for everyone joining in and just being themselves.
They’re having fun without fear of “not getting a job”.
They are expressing their art, at a place where we all jam in together to witness them.
They are embracing their fears, by asking for help.
Such a beautiful experience to live through, every week.
As it turns out, the most precious human connections are the ones where we do not know each other yet are there for each other. Just because we care.
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