
Words. Wisdom. Winners.

3 tips for every stock market crash

  1. Do not panic
  2. Do not take actions while panicking
  3. Take some time to understand why you are feeling these extreme emotions. And what you can do to mitigate them.

The rise in markets comes with equal certainty of falls. The goal is not to panic, the goal is to reach a place where you logically regulate your emotions so they don’t decide what you will feel.

The king (your mindset), when stepping down from the throne (while reacting to stock market crash), isn’t a king anymore.


Our biggest problem is that we want everything tomorrow.
That success.
Those million followers.
That sculpted body.
Fourteen best friends.
Fame and fortune.
Even transformed parents!

Most good things in life take time. If it didn’t, imagine how much you and I must be “having”, without having the effort that took to get there.

The only tomorrow worth waiting for, is to make your actions 1% better each day.
Everything beyond that, is an endless chase for nothingness.

Changing our stance

The most successful, the happiest people I know of, are very comfortable (and welcoming) of change.
And when they don’t see change happening around themselves, they actively go out looking for it.

Changing the way you look at things.
Changing the way you do things.
Changing your own decision that you took so proudly, a few weeks back.
Changing your decision that you publicly announced to the world.
Changing your own self. Because you’ve found someone better: The Future You.

The ones who stay married to who they are, can never divorce who they were.
The only way to grow, is to let go. Mostly, of yourself.

Where to get so much content from?

I create ~150 pieces of content each week.
Week after week. With zero miss-out.

How do I do that?
Where do I get that much content from?

It’s simple.
From living my life.
From talking to all of you.
From learning from my mistakes.
From learning from the mistakes of others.

We all are filled with content all of the time. All of us.
It is the synthesis of what’s going on in the mind to bring that out into the world, that requires work.

Content is easy. Staying true to it no matter what, is what decides whether you are in it for the long term game or to wither easily.


Timeline matters. And it doesn’t.

There is a timeline to put in the inputs. Your weekly schedule. Your actions that build you up.
That is the timeline that matters.

And then there is a timeline that most people put, to achieving things in life. To have a home. To get that big car. To get all the money quickly.
That is the timeline that is only an illusion. An imposed version of others’ beliefs. A hurry train you were made to ride on, without understanding we all are driving our own vehicles at our own pace.

Timeline matters. In the micro. And it doesn’t. In the macro.

How to know what the audience wants

We may have our own analysis.
Do what we think is the “next big thing.”
Set up huge infrastructure to make that happen.

However, the best way to figure out what the audience wants is: Ask them!

Look at the comments they are giving out genuine issues on.
Are they thinking in some direction?
Which need of theirs could we fulfill?

The time to ask the questions is after the audience has responded. Otherwise they are mere assumptions.


The other day my team and I were doing a data analysis in a paid tool.
It turned out, there was no option of exporting the data to excel!

Imagine, me playing Excel-Excel on YouTube a lot, and not being given an excel to export :)

So I asked my team to write to their customer service.

Turns out, it was totally possible, by upgrading to the next version plan. And we did!

Most answers in life are there, if we choose to look for them.

The opposite side of data

Whenever we are studying data, our default habit is to go to what’s working best.

However, this makes us miss a very important metric:

Is what causing the best performance also responsible for the worst performance? Does this mean there is an unseen factor that is driving the best and the worst?

If the inverse is also true, perhaps it is a good time to question what is actually true.

How do I find my content ideas?

The audience is where I get my content ideas from.

What are the questions they are asking?
What is something that is basic to me but not for my audience?
How can I think like my 18-24 year old audience and not like my peers?
How can I simplify something that is valuable for them, yet is too complex to understand?
What tweets of mine are nudging people to ask me to create a video on those?

The ones who consume the content, are the ones who give you the ideas of what’s next. Only if you, the creator, are listening.

Different perspectives

I am someone who is an entrepreneur for 12+ years.
However, I do not despise those in jobs. As a matter of fact, I have met the most driven, curious, and committed people who enjoy their jobs.

I usually work even when on vacations.
Some people disconnect, 100%.

I lift weights after playing tennis each day, for half an hour.
For some, they have cardio and strength training on different days.

People are different. And with different perspectives. And that is what makes us unique.
Doesn’t make me better. Doesn’t make me worse. Just lets me use my strengths, to play my best game.

In order to win your game, you ought to play your own game. And that’s enough.

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