
Words. Wisdom. Winners.

How to resist the obvious?

Resist the obvious. One of my life mantras.

But how do we resist the obvious?

It’s quite simple:

1. It’s obvious to set goals. Don’t set goals. Set habits instead. Habits take you higher, goals tame you.

2. Don’t settle. Your 20s are not meant for settling, they are meant to figure out what you would settle in eventually, if at all you’d want to…

3. Don’t be a jerk. It is easy to let your bad self take over, when all you have to do is listen, understand, and respond with calmness instead of anger.

The most important things are often invisible!

Money is not important

Before you get to a place of saying the above statement, it helps to say that money is important.

It buys you freedom. To do the things you want to do and to say no to things you don’t want to.

It buys time. By not investing your time on saving small sums of money.

And it does buy happiness. Especially when most of us have grown in the absence of it.

Money is important. Only when you have it to an extent that it gives you freedom, time and happiness – that is when it is not that important.

One of my coolest lifehacks

I have a single person WhatsApp group, that I use for jotting down my ideas on the go.

At the outset, it doesn’t look like a life hack.

But it is.

Because, a lot of us spend a lot of time on WhatsApp. Then why not use it for our favour, instead of it using it?

To do lists.
Shopping lists.
Sharing yourself pictures from phone to computer and vice versa.

The list is endless.

Because, the hacks aren’t the real magic.
The real magic is to use the tool in your advantage, that is designed to take advantage off your time.

The key to creating good content

The keys to creating good content are a lot: consistency, authenticity, listening to your audience, etc.

However, the one that very few people see, is perseverance.

The ability to continue when you have no one watching you.
The discipline to show up when people aren’t still showing up for you.
The dedication to continue when everyone else has given up on you. But not you.

We need good content.
And good content comes from content creators who have lived through that experience.

The way we live our lives and persist at is, is exactly how our content would fare. No better, no worse.

What are the secrets to success?

Those who are “successful” will be surprised at this question!

Because they don’t see themselves as successful or arrived.

The best success, is to be work in progress. Always.

Need more time

I need to spend more time with myself.

Need some space to think about my plan for next one year.

Need more of me time and free time and even productive time.

Here’s the bitter truth: You don’t need more time. You need to get to a place of accepting yourself.

And when you do accept yourself, here is the harder question: Can you spend 5 minutes with yourself, daily?

Sometimes, more is simply a matter of priority.
Every single day.
And then, less also makes sense.

How to have more time?

More time, more than time management, is a function of choosing to waste time and choosing to not waste time.

When you schedule your time to waste, you get more focused in your time to be more productive.

When you schedule your time to be focused, you distance the things that distract you.

Rinse and repeat, for everything you do.

Time management, is simply an art of choosing balance.
Every single day. Even when (especially when) it is easy to lose that balance.

Talk to yourself

We are often told to talk to ourselves, as it makes things clearer in our head.

A thing to consider in this conversation, is: What if we listen as well?

To your own thoughts.
To your feelings.
To your emotions when you are not feeling good.
To your emotions when you are feeling awesome.
To your emotions when you are feeling easy.

Talking is hard. Listening is harder. To yourself, even harder.
However, the most meaningful conversations happen only when we listen.

Whom do I look up to?

Not a person in particular, but the traits they embody.

And by that means, I look up to a lot of people.

Mr. Ratan Tata. Captain Gopinath. So many others – who are my mentors and don’t even know they are my mentors.

But they are traits.

More than anything else, I look up to books.
They are the best friend we didn’t think we need.
Only till the time they arrive and we realise we did need them.

I look up to books. And never look down on myself after looking up to them.

Best friends

As we get older, our number of best friends tend to decline. But the existing friendships continue to nurture really well.

Beyond those very few friends, here are some best friends everyone must have:

  1. Books
  2. The ability to sit with your own thoughts
  3. Journal to note down your thoughts, ideas, feelings, emotions.

Beyond people, becoming your own best friend is indeed one of the most beautiful things you will do to yourself.

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