What do we see through red-tinted glasses?

Every year around this time I get invited to several business schools for their new batch orientation. You know, motivation and all :) And every year, two facts continue to disturb me. The overwhelming number of engineers in these schools. And the overwhelming number...

What does your work do to you?

I was away from office for 2 weeks (not away from work though) and joined back yesterday. And it’s unbelievable what coming back to office does to me. I feel like a performing artist who has placed on the stage or the studio, where I belong. Amongst people that...


We are all an outcome of a genetic lottery. Done nothing to be born into a certain condition. Some of us were born into loving families. Some of us into war ridden zones. Some of us were fed good food and taken care of. Some of us were born on the streets left to fend...


When we meet people we are constantly looking at them not for who they are, rather the person we think they should be. Constantly judging people for not adhering to the idea in our head of who they should be, how they should act, speak, behave, react. Constantly...