Feb 4, 2011 | Internet, News
Anyone who tracks the Internet space (which doesnt meant FB, btw) would have read Danny Sullivan’s article on how Bing is Cheating and Copying search results from Google. This is brilliant! Not so much for the fact that Bing does this, but for the fact that this...Jan 21, 2011 | Internet, News
Paid clicks increased by 18% over corresponding quarter, but CPC increased only 4%. Which could be interpreted several ways! Eric Schmidt steps down as CEO and Larry takes over! Sergey, the nerd, still remains beind the scenes. All of which could be interpreted...Jun 8, 2010 | News, Videos
Well, we all knew how it would eventually look, but we didn’t really know what to expect when it came to its functioning. We all know now! I dont know how much Steve is involved in creating these videos, but the art of fantastic story-telling is excellent. Pixar...Apr 28, 2010 | News, Opinions, WTF
94%…yes you heard it right…94%…! Thats just 6% lower than a situation wherein a stressed-out parent enters the campus, approaches the reception and asks, “Madam (or sir…I dont mean to be sexist here!), I want to enroll my son for the...