How much does your money earn for you?

A bank interest rate? A fixed deposit rate? A stock market rate? An extremely risky investment rate? It shocks me how casual people are towards their money. Considering the percentage of people unhappy with their jobs, it’s amazing how many disrespect perhaps...

On your marks

Circa 1998 Class 12th Results Got a 57 in English An 84% overall Much lesser than what I wanted Much lesser than what I had worked for I cried And I cried Life has changed me over the years But for all those going through the same thing at this precise moment, you...

What can bring about a change? 

Think of all the times you have forced a change into yourself.  And then think of what prompted it.  And then think of the likelihood of that prompt happening again. To the same effect of brining about a positive change.  If it’s highly...

Who is your friend?

I recall a fascinating conversation with ruchi sometime back. She asked – who is a true friend? Someone who is sad at your loss or happy for your success. My instant reaction was the former. All our lives we have been trained to believe a friend in need is a...


A middle class hard working guy owned a horse. One day, while he was passing through the forest on his horse, he was stopped by an ailing poor man. The poor man wanted a ride. Moved by his condition, the horse owner stopped, climbed down and with great effort placed...

Herd sentiment

On my way to the gym there is a corner which always have a bunch of college students trying to hitch a ride. I stop mostly. And have a nice morning chat before dropping them in front of the gates, which incidentally little more than a km away. For the past few...