Why do people change?

Someone was kind to you for a long time.Now, all of a sudden they’ve become rude. This leaves you questioning.  How could they change? Why did they change? Did I do something wrong? Somehow it has started affecting your self worth in that relationship. ...

Why entrepreneurship?

Maybe you figured a Product-Market fit that worked.Maybe you wanted to try things on this side of the world.Or perhaps you were just happy doing it. Whatever it is, that reason is important.  Your “why” is important.Your root cause matters. The reasons hyped by...

The best thing about childhood

Out of our entire childhood of waiting for summer vacations, having crushes, that little pocket money and having nothing to worry about, what do we reminisce about the most? That we were free.That when we were authentic, life never brought in anything pathetic.That...

Hope isn’t a strategy

We don’t start hoping we’ll get there.We make strategies. Plans. Executing them to the T. Then comes a huge black swan effect. At the moment we were waiting for it to get over, another one came in, sweeping away all strategies. And when all of these do not work, then...


Our parents are the people we disagree with the most.We have differing opinions on the smallest life issues to making big life decisions.And that’s okay. And a different thing. Right now, our parents need a different thing from us: Our presence.When they were our age,...

Happiness is an inside job

Our friends and family.Our colleagues.Our acquaintances on social media.  We love to keep everyone happy.If they aren’t happy, that’s because of us. “I should not have said that.I am not balancing work and family.I am responsible for their sadness.” Except,...