The power of 1!

It doesnt matter how many people buy the deal. One bad review kills it all It doesnt matter how many people buy the deal. One compliment makes all the difference It doesnt matter how many people, anymore. YOU are powerful.

The irony of email – signal and noise!

Ever since I took over the fancy title, my email volume (both work and personal) has increased by about 260%. I am averaging around 230 work emails and 45 personal emails every day. But here is the ironic part I feel I am getting more signal than noise now. I am a BIG...

You learn everyday!

The deals business makes you go through a beautiful ride everyday! It’s so close to the customers – every step and action of yours is public. Margin of error is…! So we had this deal, that I thought was interesting. It runs today in Delhi...

The power of the right incentive!

“I could end the deficit in 5 minutes. You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP all sitting members of congress are ineligible for reelection.” – Warren Buffet The pessimists might ask – who will pass such a law!...