Mar 5, 2019 | Entrepreneurship
You like pain but only if it doesn’t hurt too much And you sit, and you wait, to receive There’s an obvious attraction To the path of least resistance in your life… …’Cause it’s easy not to So much easier not to And what goes around...Mar 4, 2019 | Entrepreneurship
One can’t read a book. One can only reread it – Vladimir Nabokov Ever since I got back to reading book religiously, the above realization has been more than evident. Most books don’t offer much new. And the Pareto is massive. A few books offer...Feb 25, 2019 | Entrepreneurship
The most visited page on the blog is my 6pack abs story. And the most asked question is “which protein shake did you use?” The answer is there in the blog. But. Welcome to the lazy web. We read something. And we have questions. And we ask those questions....Jan 7, 2019 | Entrepreneurship
Becoming great isn’t the same as becoming good. In fact, good is the enemy of great (Jim Collins). If you are good, you believe continuing on the same path will lead to greatness. Doing 10 times the amount of good will make you 10X better. And we all succumb to...Dec 18, 2018 | Entrepreneurship
One of the biggest challenges of organization building is last mile accountability. Which, in my opinion, starts with last mile expectations. What is it that I expect this individual to be focusing on? Not multiple things. Just one thing. At one point of time. And...Dec 17, 2018 | Entrepreneurship
There are 4 kinds of people 1. Those who love you and celebrants your wins. 2. Those who hate you and criticize what you do. 3. Those who pull you down because they don’t want you to win. 4. And those who call out your bluff when you go wrong. It’s a fact...