Life lessons

I turned 39 some days back Here is what I have learnt from life, while living it Nothing pisses the world off more than you being comfortable with who you are Watching your kids grow up is heart breaking. Everyday they lose a bit of their innocence and become just as...

The market

Entrepreneurship is a great leveler. Perhaps the best one out there! When was the last time you bought a product because the founder went to a prestigious school? When was the last time you referred a product because the founder had been struggling for 5 years? When...

The thing about help

Assume your car is broken down. You are trying to get people to stop and help you, but no one is stopping. Left with no choice, you begin to push your car now. All of a sudden, there are several people who stop to help you with that. (An alternative rendition from...

We all change

People were asked how much would they would be willing to pay to see their favorite band perform live, 10 years from now. The average was $127. People were then asked how much would they pay today to see their favorite band from 10 years back, perform live. The...

Can you teach it?

We usually think that the true test of whether we know something or not, is to answer questions on the topic. Do we know enough, deep enough, when we are quizzed on the subject? The way that works though is our mind can play tricks on us quite easily. It can...

Want to know what kind of a CEO will you be?

Its fashionable to start up today. To be a young CEO. To become an entrepreneur. To carry a “I’m CEO, Bitch!” business card. To my readers in India, you quite likely already run a company. It’s called your home. It generates an income (your...