Winning people over

We are constantly fighting for something. With someone. Fighting with our parents, our siblings, our boss. Trying to convince them that we are right. And that they are wrong. Defeating them, however, is easy. Winning over them is easy. What isn’t easy though is to win...

What’s home?

What is home? The place you were born? The place where you stay? The place you go back to? The place where your family is? Is home a place? Or something deeper? An emotion? Home is a place where we belong. Home is where we would never want to run away from. Home is a...

What’s the biggest achievement?

You’re loving your journey. Working hard. Making remarkable progress. You can see it. Everyone else can see it. And then you see, there’s someone else more successful. Getting more accolades than you.  Does that suddenly make you feel that your success is lesser? Does...

Why aren’t we happy more often?

When do we feel bad? Almost always because of an external trigger – circumstances or people. When do we feel good? Almost always because of an internal trigger – something we have done or felt.  If these both statements hold truth, how is it that we feel...

What do you value the most?

How do we truly know what is it that we value?  The thing that is most important to us. Whether in our relationships. Whether in our work. Whether at our company. It is the thing we measure frantically. If we measure sales, as against customer success, then that is...


There is a way to avoid failures and rejections altogether. By not trying in the first place. The result: no failure, no rejection.  And lifelong regret. Failure is an answer. Rejection is an answer. Regret is a lifelong question you will never have an answer...