Oct 31, 2020 | Entrepreneurship
Here’s a small yet effective three-step formula to learn anything: Observe. When we see others doing something, our brain creates a picture of it. Do: Execution is the mother of motivation. Teach: The teacher never forgets. Sharing what you have is the best way...Oct 30, 2020 | Entrepreneurship
Thoughts occur at rattling speed.We can’t speak clearly.We fumble, stammer or ramble. Is this what happens when you start presenting your point of view?Could be an interview. An office presentation. A family gathering. Here is what helps to speak...Oct 29, 2020 | Entrepreneurship
We want to be accepted for who we are.To be loved despite our flaws.To be loved unconditionally by everyone – partners, friends, family. But do we offer them unconditional love?Or does our love come with a bag full of conditions? How will we ever receive...Oct 28, 2020 | Entrepreneurship
Why are we teaching our kids 2+2=4?Why do we spend our time making them mug up that Delhi is the capital of India?What is the outcome of this? What if we taught them the uniqueness they possess? That there is sheer joy in being themselves without any pressure.That...Oct 27, 2020 | Entrepreneurship
You started something new. You were not treated well. Promises were broken. And sooner than you knew, you were asked to leave. For no fault of yours. Could happen in a professional relationship. Could happen even in a personal relationship. As difficult as it may...Oct 26, 2020 | Entrepreneurship
When we consume antibiotics, we need them. Right now! We don’t need vitamins right now. If we consume them though, we may not need antibiotics in the future. Good books, thoughtful conversations, observing and learning, are vitamins. We don’t need them right now....