Words are all we have

I often talk about the fact that we are the stories we tell ourselves. There is, however, a corollary to that. A king returned to his palace one fine morning after his morning walk in the jungle. Upon reaching the palace, he discovered that his horse was lost. He...

Should I speak up?

In Abilene Paradox, a group decides to do something that no one in the group wants to do because everyone mistakenly assumes they’re the only ones who object to the idea and they don’t want to rock the boat by speaking up. Strange how much of our life is driven by...

Thinking and dwelling

“Oh, he’s pursuing music after engineering.Look, she quit her job for creative pursuits.” Whenever we get out of our comfort zone to pursue what we want, the mind subconsciously starts thinking what others would think. In doing so, we start neglecting what’s most...

Hacking the smart brain

The brain could play cool tricks on us. In order to look smart, it would want to remember things.Perhaps it doesn’t want to give away power to the notebook. However, when we note things down, a remarkable thing happens: the brain gets its freedom. Freedom to...

The two sides of inspiration

One, inspiration for work. If we wait for inspiration to get work done, we would hardly get it done. Creativity is, instead, a process.If we show up and do the work, creativity will show up as well. Two, inspiration while dealing with life, aka motivational quotes....

Happiness is an inside job

Our friends and family.Our colleagues.Our acquaintances on social media.  We love to keep everyone happy. If they aren’t happy, that’s because of us. “I should not have said that.I am not balancing work and family.I am responsible for their sadness.” Except,...