How we grow as a team

We don’t have goals. That is the reason we achieve a lot of goals we didn’t set. What we do, instead, is the following: 1. Follow a process. 2. Stay true to it. Through our offsites and our happy and not so happy times. 3. Have fun, while maintaining discipline....

My fun purchases

1. LED ear cleaner 2. Mosquito racquet 3. Plot 4 game with my son No “productivity” tools, just some fun things, that make life with family and without mosquitoes, a whole lot better!

How we roll out changes in the team

Since ours is a team that started from scratch and is now growing, here is how we implement organisation-wide changes: Start with a small group.Gather feedback.Experiment on bigger group Repeat. Small things are easy, and easily detectable. Just like the smallest of...

How to find a job?

There are two ways to it: One: Apply for job portals. Wait for openings. Wait for callbacks. Basically wait for your luck to someday open up. Two: Create your job. Figure out what you want to work on. Start working on that, before you have a job. Then apply for...

How to find a job?

There are two ways to it: One: Apply for job portals. Wait for openings. Wait for callbacks. Basically wait for your luck to someday open up. Two: Create your job. Figure out what you want to work on. Start working on that, before you have a job. Then apply for...

Toxic parents

Sometimes our parents could be one, for no fault of theirs. How to deal with them? 1. Recognise that they want the same things from life as you do. 2. Do not consider their emotional blackmail as truth. It isn’t. 3. Get financially independent. And move out....