How to create your luck?

Is it even possible to create your luck? I believe yes. Let’s say two friends go to a trip to Goa. For the next seven days, they both eat the same things, enjoy their desserts, even eat a bit more than usualFriend 1 has a habit of working out daily, eating...

To work on your strenghts

If you as a designer take 3 hours to create a picture, you might take 13 to create a video. It doesn’t mean you are a bad designer, it simply means you didn’t play on your strengths. To win does not mean winning in all directions.To win means to excel in...

How to bring excitement into life?

I do things I have never done. I listen to people I have never interacted with before. I still write cold emails even and experience the joy of being welcomed and listening to yes. It turns out, excitement is everywhere around us, if we are excited enough to look for...

Less-known secret of fixing your life

A great life starts with having a fixed sleeping schedule. Everything else, is eventual. Work timings. Workout timings. Fun timings. All of that is easy, once you are fixated on putting your body to sleep and rest when it needs it, and optimising for recharging your...

How to have new perspectives in life?

By meeting new people! Every week, I meet at least one new person. And that person, with their refreshing values and lifestyle, is a whole different perspective. I learn a lot from them. I gather a lot of feedback about my content. And I grow a notch younger, each...

How to have new perspectives in life?

By meeting new people! Every week, I meet at least one new person. And that person, with their refreshing values and lifestyle, is a whole different perspective. I learn a lot from them. I gather a lot of feedback about my content. And I grow a notch younger, each...