There is no noble way to live life

Got asked this simple yet powerful question: “Why is it wrong to want to live a comfortable and secure life? Why does the world always project taking risks and constantly challenging yourself as the noble thing to do?” There is no noble way to live life. No...

When do we grow old?

When do we grow old? Is it simply upon hitting a certain number?Or perhaps before that? We grow old when we think the way we see the world is the right one. When we believe it is our point of view that matters, and it need not be changed. When we refuse to see another...

How to predict your future

What did you do today? Learned something?Met someone interesting?Took notes and executed upon your ideas? Or watched Netflix, ate junk food and slept a little more. And what will you do tomorrow?Day after? Quicker than you know, the days turn into weeks, weeks into...

Who will you be tomorrow?

It’s unfair to compare our progress with someone who is just starting out, and feel good about ourselves.  Just like it is unfair to compare ourselves with someone who has been at it longer than us, and feel bad about ourselves. Different durations....

Confidence, where are you?

There are 3 things that can help us gain confidence. Seeking feedback from people who genuinely want us to progress. Measuring progress because that helps us see ourselves moving forward. Knowing ourselves.Knowing if we are the best.And knowing that if we are not, we...