
Words. Wisdom. Winners.

The nature of true success

All the successful people around you went through multiple failures.

It is the sauce of endurance, lessons from failures, and staying at the game longer than anyone who thinks you have a right to stay in the game – is what ultimately creates success.

Success isn’t just an achievement.
Success is wisdom.
Success is understanding the recipe.
Success is using your failures to reflect.
Success is a process!

When gains come quickly we tend to lose sight of the basic wisdom

True success, to really last, must come through hard work.

Quick success comes without wisdom. It is perhaps luck.

True success comes with tears, toil and time. It creates luck.

The scariest yet the best thing

If you play a game designed by someone else, you have no choice but to play it by their rules!

Want your own rules?
Make your own game!

Do you want to succeed on your own terms? Create those terms.

Do you want to know what failure will be according to you? Create those.

Don’t want to follow   society’s rules of happiness and peace? Feel free to craft yours.

Society has designed a game that tricks people into believing they are winning, even if they feel hollow inside.

True winning and losing is choosing your wins and losses.

That’s scary. Yet I’ve not found a single more liberating thing than this.

Best career advice ever?

If you were to ask me a career advice I’d want to download to someone starting out in their career (and in the middle of it as well), is this:

Do what you say. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

The world is filled with broken professional commitments, and high expectations of growth. This isn’t how life works.
Anyone would care for us only if we care for what they say and keep up with what we do.
That builds trust.
Not in big moments like being on time for an Annual Meeting. Rather in daily small insignificant actions that either generate significance over time, or make people sure that they are not worth our trust!

Trust is the biggest career advice.
And the easiest to not pay attention to.

Three things you need to succeed

1. Creating (and living) by your own definition of success. Not someone else’s.

2. Making sure you are happy doing what you do. Every single day.

3. Divorcing goals and getting married to habits.

They make you feel bad…

Someone asked me today, “My friends party at high-end places on the weekends, however, I cannot afford it. So I feel bad.”

Here’s my question to them: Why are you still friends with them?

Not because they party.
Rather because they make you feel bad about yourself.

True friends, don’t abandon you emotionally.

Patience and Perseverance

Patience is a bad rap. It is postponing action, till a magical day in future. Veiled under fear.

Perseverance is action. It does not mean you know all the answers. It simply means you figure out along the way. Courage in action.

Patience is a virtue only when we use it to not drive angry responses against others. Every other time, it draws us towards vices.

Having the wisdom of when to be patient and when to be not, is usually achieved through perseverance.

The mindset to learn something new

Remember when we were kids, we used to ask questions endlessly.

Why does this happen?
Why doesn’t this happen?
What if we do it the opposite?

We would get tired physically (if at all), however, we would never get tired of asking questins.

That is the mindset of learning.
The mindset of curiosity.
The mindset of exploring.

The mindset to learn something new, is to go beyond the obvious and ask questions. Relentlessly.
Especially when the world expects you to settle with answers, your questions will push the world forward.

Impossible to meet 3 people

It is almost impossible to meet 3 kinds of people:

1. People who haven’t made any mistakes.

2. People who have reached a success after failure without reflection.

3. Managers who have team’s trust by exerting control and micromanagement instead of trust.

Less known secrets of my productivity

Three things that help me achieve productivity pro max:

1. Sharing my calendar with my wife: She can add, edit, delete anything – and it gets on my calendar.

2. Taking notes like a kid: We believe productivity is a far off game of some day, however, productivity is making the best use of the place you’re right now in. This, is aided to me by my practice of taking notes.

3. Having dinner by 6:30 pm: How is this related to productivity? Because I have dinner 3 hours prior to sleeping, it helps me feel lighter and easy while going to bed. Which also means feeling way less groggy in the morning, thus, productive.

While there are several apps to make you more productive, for me, it is the old school things that help the most – including family, writing, and dinner before sunset – that make the most difference!


Why do you continue to work hard on your passion despite you can’t see any visible results?
Why do you wake up early to do it?
Why do you ignore the parties because you want to nurture your side gig?

Why do you do it, when you have exhausted all the wordly reasons to not do it?

You do it because you do not know who you would be, without it!

We continue not because we will get something.
Money. Accolades. Trust. Recognition. Success.
None of these is the reason.

We continue because we will lose ourselves if we don’t.

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