Indians love to get married…

or maybe…there is someone who wants them to…get married! Matrimonial sites comprised the highest share of online advertising between June-August 2009! Followed by Travel and Education SecondShaadi has a big(!) role to play in this :)

google also needs to advertise – for

who would have thought…but this is true this is an ad, from google…in a Nagpur Daily! just goes to show how much MNCs have to change themselves…when they move to markets so very different from their own parent markets! reminds me of how India was the...

rediff comments simply rock

there is no…and i mean NO better use of one’s time then to read the comments below every rediff article…! they not only stamp my blindfolded belief that we Indians have the most time in this world to simply do nothing….it also helps one to...

most common facebook names

TechCrunch had an interesting article today on the most common facebook names. Now, its a given fact that facebook is not the most promiment social networks in India…because unlike orkut…stricking a conversation with random people is much harder than...