Samosas are NOT Indian???

damn…!! after Maggi, Bata and Cadbury ditched me….(YES…at some point of time in my life…which could be as recent as 2 weeks back…I believed all of these to be Indian!)… this was the last thing i wanted to hear…!

anil wilson and michael jackson WILL meet…

the morning brought in news of two (atleast for me) sudden demises. Anil Wilson, former principal at St. Stephen’s and Michael Jackson passed away… Now..I am a hindu graduate and to even talk good about Ste-vens is like Shahrukh stating that Aamir is a...

how to be happy…

in my years of searching for the answers…the multiple visits to the himalays…and the painful one-leg tapasya…and being distracted by that urvashi babe….i havent come across something as simplistic as this… how to be...

2008…and 2009

Jan 03, 2008….Yes, I have decided on a few to-dos for this year…get some lessons in photography – NOPEgo on atleast 3 photo-expeditions – YESstart seriously thinking about quitting work and starting something on my own – YESget a car for...

The Purest Form of Art

Since writing on the walls is done neither for critical acclaim, nor financial rewards…it remains the purest form of artdiscuss

Physical and Digital Books

While I wander in the streets of NY…hunting for a building less than 5 storeys high…here is a fantastic quote i read this morning…”People loved their horses, too. But you don’t keep riding your horse to work just because you love it.” –Amazon...