Jul 2, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
Growing up, the 4-letter word in our world was f**k. Today it is FOMO.The Fear Of Missing Out. Missing out on the things our friends are doing.Missing out on the experiences others are sharing.Heck, missing out on some random dude posting on IG about some random...Jul 1, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
I love the fact that I have a routine, and I would recommend everyone to have one as well.Because it ensures you attend to yourself, before you attend to the world. Here is my weekend routine: Friday nights are exceptions to my “sleep by 9.30pm” rule...Jun 30, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
Everyone is walking with some goal, some target, and some destination in mind. Finish your education by 22.Get a job by 25.Get married by 27.Have kids by 30.Buy a house by 35.Get that fancy car, that vacation, that watch, that phone, that bank balance, that status,...Jun 29, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
If you feel low on energy throughout the day, this post is for you. Sleeping well is perhaps the single biggest determinant of physical and mental energy.You should aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep everyday. I sleep at 9:30pm everyday (except Friday) and sleep...Jun 28, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
School/college had a fascinating way of trying to teach us something: Everyone will enter a class at the start of the year. Everyone will be taught the same subject. Everyone will be expected to understand and comprehend that subject, at the same pace. At the end of...Jun 27, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
Last week, my team and I returned from our quarterly offsite. We are a fully remote team of 14 folks – so we meet once every quarter for 4 days. Each trip is a new city and a new experience. In the past we have been to Goa, Rishikesh, Pondicherry,...