On happiness

If it made you happy yesterday, don’t put the pressure on it to make you happy today as well. We humans change. External things don’t. A wiser choice is to pick something different that matches your current state of happiness. One of the happiest definitions of...

What happens after exploring?

I often talk about suggesting kids in their 20s to go about exploring different career options.  But what should you do when you have really found what you love, you’re good at it and the world is ready to pay you for it? Double down on what you’ve found. Think...

Problem solving

As humans, leaders and wise humans, we love to solve problems for others. It makes us feel better, and we believe that it would make them feel better as well. Except, that it doesn’t. Smart people suffer from a problem called The Curse of Intelligence. They want to...

A less-known secret to productivity

When we talk about secrets to productivity, mostly we think they would be Pomodoro technique, having a schedule, working out, etc. While all of that is true, there is something way bigger than it: Our rest schedule. Rest and rejuvenation is not sitting idle, wasting...

Getting it right

When you’ll do things their way, they will be happy.And so you kill your own happiness to make them happy. However, they still don’t get happy.Guess what happens? You aren’t happy either. Why not do what makes you happy? If you’re getting it right for others,...

Wasting a year with gap year

Of course a gap year “wastes” a year of your life. However, if we get prepared for 15+ years to work – why make a choice of what to work on immediately? How will we ever get to know the depth of the pool without stepping into it? How will we ever know what we...