On hopelessness

When you are working towards something, there is always hope.  Hopelessness is felt on two occasions: When you haven’t yet started and feel there is no way you can (untrue more often). When you achieve what you wanted but it doesn’t change how you feel (true more...

Do you get sarcasm?

Wrote a Twitter thread and I was reminded of something I read 10 years ago. “Sarcasm is like electricity.Half of India doesn’t get it.” Funnily enough, the electricity gap has reduced. Sarcasm, though… ?

My first laptop

Here is how I bought my first ever laptop, at the age of 23!  2002. I was a student in the US.On a 100% scholarship.Which was enough to pay for my living.But not enough to buy a laptop. So what did I do? Jugaad :)) The physics books in my curriculum were very...

What is your success?

Your salary is not your only success.Your happiness is as well. Your marks are not your only success.Your learning is as well. Your designation is not your only success.YOUR description of your designation is as well. The world will make us believe a fake definition...