I am enough

One of my favourite self affirmations is “I am enough”.  However, it suggests I believe I do not have to grow any further.But that’s not true.  The actual affirmation is “I am enough, at this moment.”  It is my way of not blaming myself for where I...

Make this decision wisely

The one decision that will affect EVERY area of your life meaningfully is picking the right partner. This is because, your partner affects: – Your financial life: To have the same financial goals and use money in similar ways makes life less about convincing and...

What do you REALLY want in life?

Several years back, I got a call from a current student of ISB.”I have an offer from McKinsey and Google. I don’t know which one to choose. Can you help?” I didn’t help. I just asked a question: “What is the most important thing for you...

Is money important?

Those who say that money is not important, are lying.Money is VERY important! May 2003 At the age of 50, my parents had decided to buy a house.They had moved to Delhi 20 years back.Made it home. But they had no home to call their own. Every 2-3 years, moving from one...

Not all success is due to hard work

We drive an air-conditioned car and get mad when the bicycle comes in front of us. We walk into an interview hall and judge the person dressed shabbily. We speak in English and laugh at those who don’t know how to pronounce cafe.  We judge those that try to save...