The race is within

There was a time when there were no ranks.No grades.No scores.No positions. You worked at something until you wanted to, or you got really good at it.And then, the industrial revolution changed it all. Tests were introduced.The outcome of the tests was not to measure...

Using technology the smart way

Scared about how ChatGPT will replace your job?Or how technology is eventually going to make you irrelevant?Or how fast the world is moving and you feel overwhelmed?  There are 2 choices you have:1. Continue to feel scared.2. Embrace the change. If you chose #2...

3 selfish ways to live

Say no to people. The more you say no to people, the more you will say yes to things that are important to you. Make your happiness your #1 priority. Until you are not happy, people will never be happy around you. Remove those who suck energy from you. They only take,...

How we perceive English

English is not my first language. But I grew up at a time where English was considered the only way to be respected, acknowledged, or heard. Even though my parents worked really hard to send us to a lovely English medium school, it didn’t help me get better at the...