Mar 24, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
An alcoholic father had two sons. One grew up to be an alcoholic.When asked why, he responded, “I watched my father.” The other grew up hating alcohol.When asked how he chose to be sober, he responded, “I watched my father.” So it wasn’t about what happened to...Mar 23, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
Whom should you trust?Who deserves to have it?Who doesn’t? It’s a big thing, because maybe you’ve been betrayed.Maybe your heart’s been broken.You trusted someone and they let you down. However, is trust only about the other person?Isn’t it a measure of how much...Mar 22, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
I recall during my first job, unable to understand why things functioned in a certain way, I asked my boss: “How is it that some people have so much work and some hardly have any work?” She said, “Good people pay a far higher price for being good, than bad people pay...Mar 21, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
Are you afraid of making decisions?What to wear, what to eat, career choices, who to marry, whether to marry – small to the biggest decisions, are you afraid of making them? The truth is, we are afraid of making decisions because we are afraid that they might turn out...Mar 20, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
Sara Blakely is a tremendously successful businesswoman. Someone asked her, what do you attribute your success to? She said, “Every night at the dinner table, my father would ask my brother and me, ‘What did you fail at today?’” Did you fail today?Did you get...Mar 19, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
Is it simply upon hitting a certain number?Or perhaps before that? We grow old when we think the way we see the world is the right one.When we believe it is our point of view that matters, and it need not be changed.When we refuse to see another way to live life,...