I am colorblind

I have red-green color blindness. Which means, when you see the image below you see a number. And I don’t see anything  No pattern at all. Just dots     But hey, that’s the world I was born in. It’s my world.  And it’s...


Mathematicians and physicists are trained to always identify the boundaries and operating constraints, while solving a problem.  And yet, the best ones perhaps didn’t pay any heed to those boundaries.  They started from first principles.  The...


You toss a coin. There is a 50% chance it will land as tails. But it doesn’t. Heads it is.  You toss again. Heads again And heads again And heads again And heads again With 5 heads in a row, when you toss the coin the 6th time, guess what’s the...


One always wonders – what makes people successful.  Ambition Determination Hard work Intelligence Passion Several other powerful words To me, it’s a lot simpler.  Those who are successful BELIEVE that they are worthy of that success. ...

What do you learn? 

ISB taught me a lot. But I don’t remember much of the classes.  Michigan State changed my life. And I aced the exams too. Wouldn’t be able to reproduce anything from the classes today, if I had to.  Same for Delhi university.  The best...


At the gym, You don’t burn out mentally. Because you always burn out physically.  It’s opposite at work.  Ironically, the side that’s still not burnt out, is the one that can get the other side out of its state.  At the gym –...