Aug 30, 2016 | Entrepreneurship, Uncategorized
The world has a very convenient definition of cheating, based on a highly misplaced sense of morality. If you are physically or emotionally involved with a person outside of your current relationship – that’s cheating. Strangely enough, the...Aug 26, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
Vidur loves to build stuff. Elements for his own world. Rockets, aliens, monsters, zoo, farms. And when he does, he forgets everything else. He immerses himself. It doesn’t matter what’s happening around him at that moment. Unfortunately, as he...Aug 19, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
I fear failure It took me a long while to realize how wrong this statement is. It makes it sound as if failure is a thing. Something that exists. Something that can be felt or experienced. We don’t fear failure. We fear the reaction of people...Aug 9, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
While at the gym last week I dropped my phone And the screen cracked. Over the next few days the crack spread its wings. And now represents an aggressively growing tree branch. Basically my top left section of the phone is all glass cracks! It’s been a week. I...Aug 8, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
One of my favorite questions of all times, and a hard one at that to comprehend, is What drives you more – the problem or the solution? Its hard to comprehend, because no one can claim not to be driven by the solution. That’s the outcome. The purpose. The...Aug 4, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
The worst piece of advice – “Work on your weakenesses” Equally bad advice – “Double down on your strengths” Instead “You have no choice but to become awesome at what is critical to your success” If you are a leader and...