I can but I chose not to…

“I can’t do this” “I can’t understand” “I can’t figure out how” “I can’t decide” Each time you find yourself saying “I can’t”, remind yourself that you can. It is not a...


We have to teach our kids a lot. How to read, write, even speak. How to eat, wear clothes, even walk. How to play, build, even gather. But we don’t have to teach them how to love. They know how to hug, how to express, how to smile. How to love. They are somehow...

Has your wish come true?

How would you react if 3 months back I told you that you could now work from home everyday, spend time with family, not travel anywhere anymore, cook, read, watch TV, listen to music and anything else that you wish to do with your time? That’s your wish come...


Whenever designing a new process or a new system, we have a tendency to think of the desirable flow, the ideal path, the happy path, the path that will happen more often than others. And to then stop at that. It is our way of avoiding chaos. However, things...

The Golem Effect

The Golem effect is intuitive. If a supervisor or the individual themselves have lower expectations, then it leads to poorer performance by the individual. It’s the Pygmalion effect that isn’t so obvious. That if a supervisor or the individual themselves...

The mirror

As we live our lives, we create an image of who we are, for our own selves. We live by that image, stick to that image, believe that image to be permanent and true. And rarely stop to ask ourselves, what if there is no image. What if there is no me. If I didn’t...