Addicted to social media?

I’m addicted to YouTube. I’m looking forward to F.R.I.E.N.D.S. reunion (we all are!) If I start watching reels once, there is nothing stopping me! Habits that stop us from doing productive work. Habits we believe we have no control over. What if we delete the apps? Or...

Getting it right

When you’ll do things their way, they will be happy. And so you kill your own happiness to make them happy. However, they still don’t get happy. Guess what happens? You aren’t happy either. Why not do what makes you happy? If you’re getting it right for others,...

What’s the point?

The past few days have been severely unpredictable for everyone. No one is certain  when a more stable time will arrive. For those of us who are not directly in the jobs of helping someone through our work, we begin to question the purpose  of our work: Why am I...

Asking for help

Asking for help is a powerful thing. It shows we are ready to go beyond ourselves.  However, keeping it open-ended and expecting “any” help is shutting all doors for help.Stuck in career? Do you want help with referrals or want mentorship?Having a feud with...

What are your thoughts telling you?

When you’re alone, it is super important to pay attention to your thoughts. What am I thinking about? Why am I thinking only what could get worse? What if I expect good things as much as I anticipate bad ones? What else could this mean?  It turns out, what we end up...

Does help come with conditions attached?

Help is a beautiful thing. It lets the other person know that they are cared for. It helps us feel good for getting out of our own selves and extending a hand to another person. However, help sometimes does more harm if not done with the right frameworks. Two...