Jun 26, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
When we feel pain, we can see ourselves getting lost in it. Not being able to get out of it. Despite being aware that it is not the right feeling, we are unable to nudge it away. So it consumes us. Makes us feel hollow. And takes away our attention from what’s...Jun 25, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
It starts with trust. Trust forms the basis of every relationship. It is neither to be broken, nor to be tested. It continues by listening. Listening, not with the intent of answering but with the intent of understanding. It grows with patience. The most beautiful...Jun 24, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
The 3 most important life skills that will help us now and for the rest of our life: The courage to know what we don’t know. The courage to accept the truth the way it is. The courage to take risks. There’s no expiry on these skills. Rather, they work on the principle...Jun 23, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
There is something appealing about being called a manager. We have more control, more decision-making power, more responsibility. And we seek this influence. We seek a bigger team to manage, a bigger area to control, a bigger span of influence. But do we ever seek...Jun 22, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
When I am hiring people, these are the qualities I look for in candidates: Curiosity – Curious ones don’t start with solving the problem. They start with asking the right questions. And the questions solve the problems. Do they set up others for success? Do they...Jun 21, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
The best thing we can do to improve our health – Cut out refined sugar and soda. The best thing we can do to improve our wealth – Stop buying things we don’t need. The best thing we can do to improve your sleep – Stop staring at the phone right up...