Jul 21, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
Ever shared your ideas in a meeting to which the reply was, “Let me get back to you on this?” This statement forms the basis of most conversations in a large company. And the reason why this is acceptable is, these big companies are tolerant of excuses. Excuses for...Jul 19, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
One day you are happy with what you have got. You are working hard every day. You are content. You are fulfilled. The next day you meet someone doing way better than you. Would that hinder your contentment and happiness? While your grass was green all through, would...Jul 18, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
We think if we say no, people will leave us. We will hurt them. They will think poorly of us. We don’t want people to reject us, and so we find it difficult to reject them. This is why saying no becomes insanely hard. When we say no, we say no to a request. Not to the...Jul 17, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
“I need help” It’s very hard for us to accept that we need help. We attach it to our pride, which stops us from seeking help from others. And from books. From videos. From content. From life. Pride makes us afraid. It forces us to not learn. It forces us to not ask....Jul 16, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
It doesn’t matter what we say, people will only understand it through their experiences, in their context, through their lens, driven by their biases. Now, that might make us think, why does it even matter what we say if that’s the case? But here’s a better question...Jul 15, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
Our mental self is highly contagious. To our physical selves. And to other’s mental selves. Our physical self loves to sleep. It loves to eat. It loves being lazy. It loves comfort. Our mental self is powerful. It has the ability to guide our physical self in the...