When facing fear, try this!

What we fear the most is usually what we most need to do None of us fears going along with the status quo. What we fear the most is taking unconventional decisions and taking the steps that would make others laugh at us. Guess what? No one broke any mountains just by...

You’ll be glad at this fact about life

Life isn’t about knowing everything before it happens.It is about knowing how to react when life happens.Life, fortunately, isn’t about predicting it based on your sun sign and following up with joy or remorse. Life is about getting out of your home and doing...

Do you want more information on money?

When it comes to money, more information doesn’t make people more aware.It makes them more scared. About money, the simplest information works the best:1. Invest in equity.2. Invest for long-term.3. Don’t invest in FOMO to get rich quick. When it comes to money,...

The surprising truth about respecting your time

If you are not going to respect your time, no one else will.Wasting your time is a sign that you allow others as well to waste your time. Being particular about your time shows others as well how you manage your time. The way you respect or not respect your time is...

What’s worse than failure?

Regret will cause more pain than failure ever will.Failure will give you ways to succeed.Regret will give you compounding regret. With zero end to that downward spiral. You will never know how your decision would turn out, until you actually make that...

Showing up is hard

You will struggle to smile and show up. Show up anyway.It’s scary to show up on days you are scared. And scarred.However, it is only by showing up on those days that you tell your scars that your smile is bigger than the scares they give. Anyone can show up on a day...