Jan 23, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
Risk and failure are a state of mind. There are no measurement scales for them. We create them. So, we can destroy them too. We are not naturally trained to love ourselves. Learning how to do so is this journey called life. Is reaching a certain goal the only measure...Jan 22, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
No one owes you their time and money. And you don’t owe anyone either. It’s the mark of a cool human to understand people’s respect for their time and money.It’s the mark of a wise human to respect their own. This makes us not feel guilty for saying no.This also makes...Jan 21, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
Losing your temper is a sign that you have a long way to go.Losing your temper is a sign that your remote control is not with you.Losing your temper is a sign that others get to decide what you will feel.Losing your temper is a sign that you don’t trust yourself with...Jan 20, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
You are not responsible for anyone else’s happiness. Being responsible for yours is anyway tough. To stay happy is the most meaningful task. A task that requires effort. To keep others happy is the most overrated task. Because happiness is a choice you make, not a...Jan 19, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
Whenever I want to do something in the future but it pops to me in the present and takes less than two minutes, I do it right away. It helps with three things: Takes minimal timeI don’t procrastinate it to the future My mind has dopamine kick for the task done It...Jan 18, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
Not 41. Rather 28. Because I genuinely enjoy everything that I do. And am totally committed to the inputs, not the outcome. When I was 30, I felt my life was over. At the age of 24, I was totally lost. We all feel that way. However, over time, as you stay committed to...