Feb 25, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
As we get older, our number of best friends tend to decline. But the existing friendships continue to nurture really well. Beyond those very few friends, here are some best friends everyone must have: BooksThe ability to sit with your own thoughtsJournal to note down...Feb 24, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
Do not panicDo not take actions while panickingTake some time to understand why you are feeling these extreme emotions. And what you can do to mitigate them. The rise in markets comes with equal certainty of falls. The goal is not to panic, the goal is to reach a...Feb 23, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
Our biggest problem is that we want everything tomorrow.That success.Those million followers.That sculpted body.Fourteen best friends.Fame and fortune.Even transformed parents! Most good things in life take time. If it didn’t, imagine how much you and I must be...Feb 22, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
The most successful, the happiest people I know of, are very comfortable (and welcoming) of change.And when they don’t see change happening around themselves, they actively go out looking for it. Changing the way you look at things.Changing the way you do...Feb 21, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
I create ~150 pieces of content each week.Week after week. With zero miss-out. How do I do that?Where do I get that much content from? It’s simple.From living my life.From talking to all of you.From learning from my mistakes.From learning from the mistakes of...Feb 20, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
Timeline matters. And it doesn’t. There is a timeline to put in the inputs. Your weekly schedule. Your actions that build you up.That is the timeline that matters. And then there is a timeline that most people put, to achieving things in life. To have a home. To...