Aug 5, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
Most people in their 20s are scared that they are already old. It was true for me as well.At 24, I felt I was 40. Funny enough, I am 42 now, and don’t feel a day older than, say, 28! Now that I reflect upon this reversal of sorts, I realize that it is virtually...Aug 4, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
Ask. Don’t assume. What you assume may not be the truth.What is the truth may never cross your assumptions. Speaking solves problems that silence doesn’t. Because it wasn’t silence in the first place. It was assumption.Aug 3, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
It is easy to think of peace by distancing yourself from the world. But no matter how much you choose to distance yourself, you will again come back to the same place. Then what is the way to peace? To find it when there is chaos.To be okay with who you are (even...Aug 2, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
The other day someone played a rendition of Bella Ciao on my IG live.It was so succinct, that it was evident to me that he had worked super hard on getting this right. And it quite got me thinking. How easy it is, to give your 98%. Or 99%. Most people won’t even...Aug 1, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
Focusing on settling down. You do NOT have to settle down by 24. Spend your 20s exploring. I am 42 and still not “settled”.Waiting for your friends to validate you. They may have different perspectives. And different places to reach. Love them and respect them in...Jul 31, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
How to feel bad 1. Seek validation 2. Don’t love yourself Sadly most of us are doing both without even being aware of it. Feeling bad is a plant we give growth to, through our own seeds of insecurity. Feeling good is the seed we can sow right away, through being...