Oct 17, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
One question I ask my best friends is: “What was the happiest part about yesterday?” We had a similar question on our weekly call this week. It is almost miraculous how none of the responses are about getting more materialistic things, and almost all the...Oct 16, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
The biggest mistake people make with inspiration is thinking they will be hit by a bolt of inspiration whenever it strikes. The truth is, inspiration is a habit. What inspires you? Reading books? Watching the right videos? Playing and working out?What’s stopping...Oct 15, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
Not everyone is born a great leader. However, each one of us has the opportunity to learn from the best leaders. Here’s what I did… Every year, I used to write a letter to the parents of the top performers at nearbuy, thanking them for their support (inspired by this...Oct 14, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
Not everyone gets lucky. However, everyone has the power to create processes that create their luck. Here is how: – I quit my job as the CEO of nearbuy in 2019, with no money. But another income stream had started emerging – speaking gigs – something...Oct 13, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
A 5-point formula to measure your progress, that always works: 1. Identify the inputs towards things you want to do or should do (for ex: how much time do I read every day) 2. Measure yourself for a 30 day period. Do not try to change anything. Just measure. 3....Oct 12, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
My first day at the gym, for the 6 pack abs, the instructor asks me to do 20 push ups.He starts counting, counts until 7 and then steps away, asking me to continue. I then count:8,9,10,12,14,17,20DONE! I cheated.Because he wasn’t looking. What we do when no one...