Jan 12, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
Get to know yourself better.Fall in love with yourself.Give yourself the attention you give to others. Being surrounded by people is good. Just that it isn’t the basis of your existence.However, there is no basis of your existence if you do not spend time with...Jan 11, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
Sometimes the same content I post is packaged differently – for different audience. Because, I want to serve my audience better. Just like our teachers in nursery knew sentences.However, they taught us through pictures and letters. The truth is, to know is not...Jan 10, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
Everyone has problems at work. Even those who love their work. The thing worth finding isn’t a problem-free job. The thing worth finding is a problem that you’d want to sign up for.Jan 9, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
There is a wariCrew Anonymous Form in my team – where anyone can ask me any questions, without sharing their name. It helps me (and a lot others) – by knowing the questions that are there on the minds of others.Helps everyone see my response.And the person...Jan 8, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
I am usually quite happy when people find my content repetitive. Hear me out. I am a teacher.My job is to teach a grade, a way of thinking, and establish a foundation.Think of it like a curriculum. If at any point of time my content sounds repetitive to you,...Jan 7, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
This is one of my favourite real-life stories from my life. Several years back, I used to take a course at an MBA school. And the final exam of that course was: “List at least 3 things you have learnt from this course” Over 4 years, some 120 students took...