You are dying every day

Someone is tired of their job.Someone hates their boss.Someone feels they are in the wrong relationship.Someone wants to startup but is not sure if it’s the right move.Someone wants to move abroad, but isn’t sure which country.Someone questions if they...

The peace and the drama

The world’s reaction to your circumstances are determined by your own perception of the same circumstance. If you make it a big deal, the world will make it a big deal.If you don’t, the world will not even notice. The drama, the peace, the noise – it...

Biggest productivity hack

Here is one of the biggest hacks of my productivity: The WhatsApp self group Here’s how: – Create a group on WhatsApp with someone else.- Once done, delete them- Now it’s just you in the group.- Pin that Group to the top.- And use it for easy sharing and...

Facts of life

Your grades in college are not going to define your life. The first company you work for is not going to define your life. Your first pay package is not going to define your life. Your life is going to be defined by the meaning you give to every phase of your life....

I think I am not winning

Do you often feel that everyone is winning in their lives and you are the biggest loser out there? Here is something that might help: At 29, I was jobless and with no money.I had just left my last startup, with no money and no direction.   I remember...

Worst, and still…

Find the colleague who saw you at your worst and still helped you perform better.  Find the manager who saw you faltering and still chose to listen instead of scolding.  Find the friend who saw your lowest points and still chose to support. Find the partner...