Sep 5, 2006 | Uncategorized
i believe that nature has a wonderful way of telling you what to do next…or to make you realize that what you are doing shouldnt be done. and the best part is that it will do so in a manner that will make you believe it was your own choice…all the...Aug 30, 2006 | Uncategorized
thanks daddy for reminding me…i had been procastinating…partly cause i wanted to…partly cause i didnt have a choice…work has been maddening lately…i was ‘almost’ handling 2 projects at the same time for the past 3...Aug 22, 2006 | Uncategorized
so dad’s pancrease…which according to the doc had been over-worked cause of his gall bladder removal 8 yrs back…suddenly decided to go on a ‘pancreatic fundamentalist drive’. basically…trying to show that if desired…they can...Aug 9, 2006 | Uncategorized
there was a time…no so long ago…when i used to treat the ‘Reader’s Digest’ as a must read. this was much before i started reading the same for its jokes..only…! anyways…so this one time…there was a wonderful article on...Aug 4, 2006 | Uncategorized
trinnnggg….triiingggg….Mirror: yo…not feeling urself?Me: dont know dude….wanted to…but something doesnt feel right…Mirror: i know…its strange right..when something tht is close to you…doesnt mean as much to someone...