Nov 4, 2010 | Entrepreneurship
PK comments: “I think you are so risk-loving not because you face it, rather you dont see the risk in the first place” I would agree. I dont see the risk infront of the other options. Infact I cant. There is no Plan B. I can speak of one, but I cant think...Nov 3, 2010 | Uncategorized
Pushkar was an unexpected surprise. I hate religious places and the likes of Haridwar and Rishikesh have done more damage to my belief in god than Swami Nithyanand! I still believe in god though, but surely not the way these places preach and teach! But Pushkar was...Oct 23, 2010 | general, Opinions
Nothing – there isnt anything that I like about Delhi! —- So Ruchi and I are out for a movie, part of our busy jobless life schedule, that we are approached by this 21-yr old. The presence of the camera guy suggests that she is a journo and yes, she turns...