May 23, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
I got up yesterday at 7am Went to the gym and had a good workout Came back. Read the newspaper. Made breakfast for Ruchi and me Worked for 3 hours Lunch Watched 5 TED videos Went to watch a play by Rajat Kapoor Shopped for a few things at the mall Went for...May 17, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
It’s easy for the world to brand you as a success or failure – depending on their mood and the inflation rate (insert any other irrelevant metric here) It is equally easy for you to fall in that trap. “I did it” or “I fucked...May 16, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
There was furor recently on a TechCrunch article that not everyone needs to know how to code. And then (thankfully) there was a response – everyone should I agree Just as the past century has been about managing people and how to get work done from...May 14, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
I take a course at a business school. And there is no final exam for that course. Just one question instead “List at least 3 things you learnt during the course” All those who list 3 things fail the exam. “List at least 3 things you...May 10, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
No one says this about Facebook. Or Amazon. Or Craigslist. People hated the new logo of Uber – but no one is complaining now. Unfortunately – we have been hard wired to believe that looks matter. Because we have seen people get away with that, for a large...