We don’t laugh at the same joke again

Most of us won’t laugh at the same joke again. Then how is it that we get upset with the same situation again? How is it that the same past makes us feel hurt again? How is it that a painful event keeps us unhappy for years after that? We react to the stories we tell...

To teach the path

“Can you please ask my son to stop having sweets?” said a concerned mother to a saint, whose kid used to consume sweets incessantly. “Sure, could you bring the child back a week later?” the saint replied, to which the mother agreed. After a week when the mother...

Winning people over

We are constantly fighting for something. With someone. Fighting with our parents, our siblings, our boss. Trying to convince them that we are right. And that they are wrong. Defeating them, however, is easy. Winning over them is easy. What isn’t easy though is to win...

What’s home?

What is home? The place you were born? The place where you stay? The place you go back to? The place where your family is? Is home a place? Or something deeper? An emotion? Home is a place where we belong. Home is where we would never want to run away from. Home is a...

What’s the biggest achievement?

You’re loving your journey. Working hard. Making remarkable progress. You can see it. Everyone else can see it. And then you see, there’s someone else more successful. Getting more accolades than you.  Does that suddenly make you feel that your success is lesser? Does...