Mar 16, 2010 | Uncategorized
Then our dear behenji should thank you. No..not for the rally where she spent 200 crores…not for the (5 crore!!??) money garland as well…and definitely not for the statues that she has built all over (not missing the purse though), but for this! Mayawati...Mar 11, 2010 | Funny, WTF
I dont take responsibility for any pain that WILL BE inflicted on you, once you attempt to do so…but nonetheless…try it! What to do in a flight when you have an annoying passenger sitting next to you: 1. Remove your laptop from the case 2. Open the laptop...Mar 5, 2010 | My destinations, StudyNation
Its not just a name change, but StudyNation will soon have a host of features that will be a ‘first’ for education portals in India. Exciting times…