Sep 14, 2009 | general, News
damn…!! after Maggi, Bata and Cadbury ditched me….(YES…at some point of time in my life…which could be as recent as 2 weeks back…I believed all of these to be Indian!)… this was the last thing i wanted to hear…!Jun 26, 2009 | Anecdotes, general, News
the morning brought in news of two (atleast for me) sudden demises. Anil Wilson, former principal at St. Stephen’s and Michael Jackson passed away… Now..I am a hindu graduate and to even talk good about Ste-vens is like Shahrukh stating that Aamir is a...Jun 25, 2008 | Funny, general
Since writing on the walls is done neither for critical acclaim, nor financial rewards…it remains the purest form of artdiscuss