Cherished experiences

Nothing can beat the feeling of: 1. Meeting people in real life. 2. Learning from the life of someone else, through their book, for the cost of a pizza! 3. A fresh mango on a summer afternoon.

The importance of your environment

It is not you who changes your environment.Your environment changes you. That is why it is critical to pick the right environment.Or move away from the wrong ones. This applies to every aspect of life....

How often will you play this game?

I am a game builder and I have created a whole new game for you. Here is how it works. Each time you play, there is a 90% chance that you will lose!Yeah, you heard that right – 90% chance that you will lose.BUT – the amount that you lose, is capped.YOU...

My ISB Interview

“If I were in the panel, I would never shortlist this resume.” With that, he dropped my resume, the corner of which he had been holding with his thumb and index finger. The single page resume floated in the air, before landing on the pristine wooden table....

How to read books effectively

5-step process to remember everything you read in a book: Reading on a Kindle When I read a book, I highlight a lot.A LOT.  Anything that catches my attention, intrigues me, fuels my curiosity.Sometimes entire pages. Exporting the highlights  What I love...