3 life changing words

These three words can lead to massive success in your career: TAKE COMPLETE OWNERSHIP. What does it mean? – Focusing on the outcome of your work and not just the output.“What is my work going to achieve?”- Doing your work in a way that no one needs to ever...

A meaningful job

A meaningful job is the one where you find joy in your work, and people need that work. A meaningful job is the one where you look forward to your work every day. A meaningful job is the one where you truly truly find meaning, no matter how meaningless it appears to...


Something that makes us believe we deserve to be where you are. The easiest way to fail in life. The easiest way to allow success to stop coming. The easiest way to stop growing. When you think you deserve better, you end up deserving lesser....

Life skills we wish we were taught

Knowing when to say no and how to say it. Knowing where to invest your money and doing it, every month. Knowing that the only failure is failure to meet your own expectations. Life skills make our break our life, in so many ways. Our work is not to put them as an...

Can you hear that voice?

Can you hear that voice?It’s not mine. It’s yours. The voice from your insides.The voice that speaks volumes even in silences.The voice that tries to tell us what’s wrong and what’s right, always.The voice that tells us instinctively if a person, job, or college is...

Bad company

We are defined by the company we keep. Interesting company = we become interesting.Boring company = that boredom eventually rubs off on us. That said, if you are with yourself and you are lonely, are you in bad company? If not, why are you lonely, shouldn’t you...