Sep 20, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
I came across a beautiful post on Instagram and had to share it with all of you. Ask your mom these 7 questions: 1. What is the happiest memory you have about me, from the past? 2. What, according to you, is the best thing I have done for you? 3. What are the most...Sep 19, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
1) What are the things that I WANT to do? These could be anything – do not put any constraints as yet. Do not think of whether you will get it, whether it’s the right thing for the future, or whether you are qualified. No constraints. Just a...Sep 18, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
1. Attendance is compulsory It’s not the attendance, but the attention that is an important factor in the growth of the student’s life. 2. Your degree is your identity Your degree is not your identity – what you do with that degree eventually becomes your...Sep 17, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
1. You don’t have to DO things with each other. You’re happy sitting in complete silence, if you’re just together. 2. You focus on the cause of the problem. If there’s a time when things aren’t right between you two, you choose to focus on the cause of the...Sep 16, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
Anytime you find yourself losing hope, go and sit down with your parents. “Ma/Papa – tell me about a time when you had lost all hope. And you still came out of it?” Their eyes will light up.Your hopes will light up.Sep 15, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
1. Listen to your favorite music2. Take a short walk3. Talk to a friend4. Sleep it out5. Breathe Remember, whatever you are feeling right now is temporary.It will fade away. Your emotions are temporary.Do not make permanent decisions based on temporary...