Are you part of the 1%?

I am having lunch at the Google Gurgaon office one day.Standing in line at the North Indian counter.And in front of me is a Googler. This dude steps away from the line to check what the menu of the day is.And goes, “Damn! Aaj phir se daal makhani hai!”...

Recognise your capability!

I wish smart people would know how smart they are, instead of waiting for someone else to validate them. I wish brilliant people knew the value they bring to the table, instead of asking others how valuable they are. I wish wise people were wiser to see the wisdom...

Give your loved ones time

One of the biggest mistakes I made was thinking I will keep my parents happy with the money I make. I will send them on vacations, buy them things, and make their life comfortable.But the busier I got, the less happy they were, despite all the things they now had. The...

Don’t remember, think!

I consciously and obsessively do NOT remember things. I always carry a notebook with me.Taking notes like a school student.Putting tasks in a calendar.Sending myself emails in the future. The mind’s energy should be spent in thinking.Not...

What is success?

Your salary is not your success.Your happiness is. Your score is not your success.Your learning is. Your designation is not your success.YOUR description of your designation is. The world has made us believe a fake definition of success.Not falling for it is the...

3 ways to improve your health while working

If you are someone who spends 8-10 hours on a computer screen every day, this is for you: 1. Take 2-3 breaks of 5-10 minutes and take a walk outdoors. You will be less cranky, less lethargic and more productive. 2. Look outdoors every 30 minutes. The pupils in our...