Oct 14, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
Person 1: Bought the latest iPhone. Person 2: Bought a second hand Android. Who is rich?Person 1, right? But then you get to know… Person 1 earns 30% per month of what the iPhone costs.Took an EMI to pay for it. Person 2 earns 200% of what the phone...Oct 13, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
No investment is worth it, if it gives you returns while taking away your sleep. On the other hand – No investment is worth it, if it just sleeps, while you do.Oct 12, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
The mentor should NOT be the only one you have. One person can’t take care of everything. You need to have multiple mentors catering to fields they can help with. For example, I have mentors when it comes to money, career, spirituality, people management, etc....Oct 11, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
Struggle together: You build the deepest bond with those who you share your struggle with. So, I would want to have a partner where my struggles are shared with her, and hers are shared with me. NOT to fix them. To give company. To offer solace during hard times. To...Oct 10, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
It was my first job. I joined the R&D team for a corporate training company.I was earning 15K/month – more money than I ever thought I would make. Life was good for the first 2-3 months.And then came the turning point. One of the biggest FMCG companies...Oct 9, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
1. No one is truly your friend until they have seen the worst of you and still choose to stay. 2. No one is truly your friend until they say “I believe in you” when you struggle to believe in yourself. 3. No one is truly your friend until they choose to...