Sep 9, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
When we started working from home in the last 2 years, we learnt a few important lessons. One of which is work is NOT our life.It is an important part of life.But that is just it.Just a part of the whole pie. I am so grateful to have realised this almost a decade...Sep 8, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
He was my best friend growing up.We used to share everything.Our toys, our ideas, our moments.I would beg and cry to spend time with him. But then we grew up.And as we did, we became two different people.He made friends with folks I could not relate to.But he...Sep 7, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
The biggest sacrifice our parents made was to ensure that our education never suffered, even while they did. My sister and I went to great schools.We were never made to feel as if we didn’t have enough. There were days when Ma and Papa would have just one...Sep 6, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
Don’t ever say that the world is not ready for what you wish to do.That the world needs to change, to accommodate you. Because the one that needs to change is the person in the mirror.Sep 5, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
I recently completed 1500 days of meditation (30 minutes everyday).That’s 4 years without a single day missed! I meditate at 5am, focusing on my breath and listening to sounds of nature (birds, wind and water). It has helped me gain immense clarity and awareness into...Sep 4, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
In my 20s, I took loans.Because I didn’t have money yet. And I kept telling myself, “But I will have money in the future. And that’s why it is ok.” Today I know: If you do not have the money to pay for something right now, you DO NOT have...